Cockfighting is known as one of the most popular betting games in Malaysia Online Casino market. The chicken affixed a small knife at his feet called gaffs. Chicken usually pitted up so that one chicken blurred or lost, even death. Similar to traditional cockfighting, there are two cocks to bet in each online cock fighting. The two cocks will try to kill each other to become winner. There are three cases in which determine which cock is winner. First of all, the cock that alive while other dies become winner of course. The seconds, if both two cocks are alive after trying to fight to kill each other, they will be allowed to peck each other. The cock which cannot not peck anymore will be loser and other will be winner. The last, the cock will be winner if other cock runs away from the fight.
First of all, players have to sign up an account on RRICH88 to experience online cockfighting betting in real money. After opening an RRICH88's account, players will receive many different types of bonus as well as promotions to play and win easier.